Tristan Thadius Lancaster

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isn't he lovely
Tristan Lancaster
Character Journal: spectralmusic
Nationality: American
Occupation: Unemployed rich boy
Powers: Eclectic Mimicry
Sound conversion
Portrayed by: Jared Leto
Writer: Kimity



name — Tristan Thadius Lancaster
nicknames — Trist, Mister Italics, Chinnom (given by Dae)
age 27 28
birthday — July 20th, 1981
zodiac — Cancer
height — 5'9"
weight — 147 lbs
hair — Brown, dyed black with red streaks
eyes — Blue
sexuality — Heterosexual
languages — English (fluent), French (fluent), Italian (fluent), Spanish (fluent)
theme — Incubus - Pendulous Threads


back story

A Connecticut born rich boy, Tristan led an overly lavish lifestyle. The veritable spoiled little rich boy, he had everything he could have ever wanted at his beck and call. People waited on him hand and foot, and he knew nothing but the finest things in life. It was no wonder he quickly became a good for nothing brat that tossed his weight around with dollar bills as his insurance. It was enough to make his parents proud, at least.

Around the age of thirteen, when his little brother, Xavier, was six, they were both sent away to boarding school in London. There they were brought up in the care of their slightly off-kilter, but equally wealth-ridden Aunt. She lived in an environment that they were accustomed, but raised them slightly differently to give them both a slightly different perspective in life. They were also given the best education money could buy, but that wasn't all too surprising.

At eighteen, Tristan could no longer take the oppressive nature of his heir title and so he rebelled, refusing to even go to University. The whole time in boarding school, he had desired to become something of a vagabond - to see the world. Being confined to the school wasn't his idea of fun. He had a burning desire to be a party boy, to do everything he possibly could to soil his name and respective image, as being clean cut was just too boring. His parents tried to buy him off to save face, and he couldn't have been more pleased with the end results.

Once he graduated from high school - he moved to Paris. His parents abhorred the idea and demanded that he at least return to England to attend Oxford University, but he refused. They pressured him and even threatened his ban account, which was the wake up call he needed... but it didn't stop him from negotiating either. So, under the pretense that he would go to University - one of his choosing once he had cultured himself, they had to allow him to do as he pleased and give him an allowance. It was hardly modest, but he rarely spent it on anything anyway. He's built up quite the unnecessary nest egg and never did get around to attending University.

Out of his family, the only person he really gives a damn about is his equally obnoxious younger brother, and even that was kept mum. Though they continue to remain far apart, he checks on him every once in awhile in the most annoying ways possible. He has no desire to be an overbearing older brother, because he hated being hounded himself. After the outbreak, he got wind of his parents dying by way of the Project's attorneys paying him a visit. He folded the companies and kept the stocks between him and Xavier to have spare cash just in case.

Now, he's just been living off of his inheritance without a care in the world and no intention to ever further his education.

Why should he have to? He's loaded.

after the pulse

01/17/10 — Got an unexpected visit from Odette.
12/18/09 — Gave up on living in Paris and started his big move to his place in Rome.
12/10/09 — Assisted in the attacks in Paris.
10/05/09 — Had some wine with Odette.
03/15/09 — Found out about his own powers during the London Blackout.


The silver platter in which he was handed fostered in him an arrogance the size of America itself. He looks down upon those of less fortune, though he may be swayed by a pretty face. Obnoxious and probably without a decent sense of humor, there's hardly a thing redeemable about him. He uses women like he throws around his money on a daily basis. It's likely that he's never done a good deed in his life.

With the loss of his parents, he's felt no guilt or a drop of remorse. The last time he probably saw them was when he was fifteen, and they were like strangers. As far as he's concerned, they're just a pair of rich folks that left him money and blessed him in an endless supply of riches. His frame of reference for the lesser class is pretty bad. Being as smart as he is, he's quite slick and knows how to get what he wants out of people.

Certainly he's seen his fair share of denials and disappointments - he's only human, but he's still essentially a prick. That isn't to say he views women as objects, far from it. He's been around enough businesswoman to know it's quite the contrary. The ones he picks to be around are simply easy and fall right into his hands. He becomes relatively playful around the opposite sex, but the real person underneath it all -- just a boring guy with nothing that unique to make him stand out in life were it not for his wealth -- is heavily guarded. He doesn't have any emotional baggage, he just has no desire to be himself.


Eclectic mimicry — The ability to control music to create various effects. Different styles of music create different effects, all depending on what genre he is listening to.

screamo — Produces energy waves that can deafen, mute, and blind his opponents.
heavy metal — Creates damaging energy blasts that are red and black in color.
classical — Forms grey wavy force fields around him.
dance — Sporadic multicolored lights appear that can also burn his opponents.
gospel — Allows him to heal someone from minor injuries.
electronic — Allows him to electrify someone or something, so he could jump start a car. He can also access some basic levels of technopathy if need be.
rap — Gives him the capability to use his hand as a gun, essentially. He can fire energy bullets.
r&b — Allows him to physically slow his opponent down and if it's a living person, also mellows them out.
pop rock — Affects his own person, speeding him up to slightly above average and increases his strength in the same way.
folk — Grants him a telepathic link with those in his immediate area.
country — Confuses mentally weak opponents, sending them running in circles or walking into walls for a good hour.
jazz — Puts the mentally weak to sleep.
acoustic — Pacifies an enraged individual, even some higher-functioning infected. It is not a mental attack, however, as it tempers the body and not the mind.

Sound conversion — He can transduce sonic vibrations, which are released from his body into various types of light. This ability seems to operate over a great range of frequencies, including the audible spectrum (35 to 16,500 cycles per second), and a great variation of sound pressure levels regardless of the complexity, dissonance, or randomness of the sound. For example, a car crash and a symphonic passage of equal duration will both produce usable music incoming acoustic vibrations. The steady beat of popular music provides a more constant source of sound to convert and is his preference. He cannot, however, use any sound produced by his own body.

sound immunity — Because of his sound conversion ability, he is protected from being deafened by loud noises.
sound release — The ability to release the absorbed sound in one burst.
light immunity — His body, especially his eyes, shields itself against any injurious effects of his light transducing abilities, and against those of bright lights in general.
lasers — By concentrating, he can generate a coherent beam of light, approximating a laser beam, with which he can cut through virtually anything. The field thus operates in a similar fashion as the process that creates a laser (Laser Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and has the same efficiency as a laser (99.9 percent). The released energy is far greater than the incoming kinetic energy.
photon blasts — As the name would name suggest, they are photon blasts of a red shade.
illumination — He can light up the area he is in to a blinding degree.
strobes — He can create chaotic and nonsensical blinding strobes of light.
stupefy — The ability to release a chaotic burst of color and light.
holograms — With effort, he can create holograms of human beings and other three-dimensional beings and objects.
rocket burst — The ability to gain vertical altitude by directing a quick column of light beneath him.
destructive shield — He can create a destructive shield of light around himself with laser light that can vaporize small, oncoming projectiles.
light mist — A glowing or hazy almost fog-like effect that obscures the surrounding area.



Thadius Lancaster — Deceased.
Cassidy Lancaster — Deceased.
Cassy — His younger brother, and the only one he really shows a decent side to (and that's a stretch, considering how they basically call each other the worst names possible). He enjoys annoying him.
Marian Greier — Best. Aunt. Ever.


Annorah Rose MacKay — Met her in Paris once upon a time. She was cool in his book.
Bi — He's partied with her, and she's pretty hot. He wouldn't object to partying more with her. He's not stupid.
Carlisle Toome — The guy that sold him his Roadster. For that, the guy is good people in his book. Generally, he doesn't really get along with guys. But he has good tastes, so he wasn't so bad.
Dae — A pretty amusing Korean guy he met by way of hitting on and insulting Sexy. He got some nicknames out of him, and he appears to be from money, so he's okay in his book.
Donatien — This guy probably hates his guts, but it's all whatever, yo.
Hélène — She's pretty much amazing.
Katya — He knows her like he does Stasya. She's pretty fucking awesome.
Michelle Desmarais — It's really hard to flirt with oblivious girls. When he realized she wasn't catching it, he laid off. She's a little too nice, so that makes him feel weird. But he's Tristan, so it doesn't show.
Sharon — The lead singer of one of his favorite bands. She's pretty awesome. He couldn't find it in himself to be an asshole to her. That doesn't stop him from being his usual self, however, but he has nothing but respect for her as a musician.
Stasya — The singer of an underground band that he saw while visiting Russia once upon a time. He always goes far and wide for artists that he finds, because he's quite the music aficionado! She's pretty cool. He keeps in touch with her via the internet occasionally.
Tony — How badass is this old shit? He's a business associate. Anytime he's around him, he's just a blast to chill with.


Odette von Mayer — She took his side in an argument that amused him on the community. She's cute. Her name's cute. He likes this one. He recently ran into her abroad while she was remaining aloof from the community. She was pretty cool to hang around, so his disposition toward her has all the more improved.
Merielle Renaldi — She's pretty chill. He gets along pretty good with her, though she didn't seem to like him at first. That he found funny and as always, let it roll off his shoulders. She came around~
Noemi Cavallo — He met her while hanging out in Rome, Italy once upon a time. She has a very attractive quality about her, and so he was easily swayed into being nice to her in tandem with hitting on her shamelessly.


Camilla Bianca Willoughby — She's very nice. Would like to conquer again.
Nia — She's.. yeah. She's a fond memory. Intoxication and all.
Tracy — Hot piece of Asian ass that he got to tap while in London. He could care less if she's a brat, she's hot.

Hate List

Sun-Hi Maeng — If there's one thing he genuinely hates, it's women who think they're always right no matter how stupid the topic is. She's the embodiment of women logic to him, and Tristan hates women logic.
At this juncture, Tristan hates the whole entire Brooks family. Could care less all of them are missing.


Edward Lancaster — Distant cousin. One of his better relatives. Missing.
Dahls — Sexy beast he's slept with. He'd do it again, too. Look at those legs. Shame she's missin'. Missing.
Easton Béliveau — Met her in Paris. Remembers her for her temper. Has been decent enough to let her use his place in Paris while he's gone. Admittedly, a little curious about what became of her. Heard she was dead from the Project. Tch. Deceased.
Sexy — He hit on her a few times, it didn't go well. He tries anyway, just because she's sexy and he's basically a douche. Missing.
Danisette Hamilton — She had a quality about her that he found intriguing when he first laid eyes on her. He hit on her in his usual fashion at a bar and bought her a drink or two. He's not sure what to make of her, but he'd definitely talk to her again. Missing.
Ryu Mihara — Distant cousin. Never met him. Doesn't care to either way. Missing.
Vergil D'Aubigne — Not a friend in the strictest sense of the word, but he's certainly not someone Tristan hates. Their personalities mesh rather well and they snark at people when they're in the same vicinity. Met the guy at one of his own casinos, actually. Missing.
Jade Sinclair — Abuses his music privileges. Will be cleansed. Tristan is very, very very, particular about respecting music. The guy thinks he was toying with him, while Tristan was dead serious and ignored his two-bit insults. Missing.


• Might have paid some dues to the Revival Project.
• You'll never see him without his silver ipod nano.
• Very low standards with women. Older, young (as long as you're legal), he doesn't care -- just be hot.
• Really doesn't get along with most guys.
• Vulgar in all languages.
• Constantly wearing hoodies.
• Drives a silver Roadster.
• Typically, lives in an apartment in Paris, but has moved to his apartment in Rome.
• Favorite shades are black and silver.
• Usually paints his nails black.
• Straight edge. He just goes to bars to pick up women. He tolerates secondhand smoke, but he's an asshole about it. What isn't he an asshole about? Yes, one of his icons says he's drunk. He's not. :D I'm just an inconsistent keyworder.
• Has no musical talent whatsoever, but he's seriously obsessed with music of all genres. You name it, he knows it.
• On that note, if he finds someone disrespecting music -- he gets pretty pissy.
• Livid about his powers. When he disappeared during the London Blackout, he went straight to the Revival Project.
Noemi got him five hoodies for Christmas of '09. A+

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