Xavier Cassidy Lancaster

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Xavier Cassidy Lancaster
Xavier Cassidy Lancaster
Character Journal: cooldownbro
Nationality: American
Occupation: Billionaire Heir
Powers: Cryokinesis
Blood Manipulation
Regenerative Healing
Portrayed by: Zac Efron
Writer: Frankie
I'll decide what my sin is


♆ Statistics

name — Xavier Cassidy Lancaster
nick-names — Cassy (If you ever call him this he will kill you), Narcissus
age 20 21
birth date — December 12, 1989
height — 5'10½"
weight — 145lbs
hair — Brunette
eyes — Blue
gender — Male
sexuality — Heterosexual - Though he has experimented.
languages English [Native], French [Fluent], Italian [Fluent]
theme songs Game The Back Horn & Kings Upon The Main Thrice & Uniform Bloc Party & End Of The World News Tom McRae

♆ Character Information


Born in Connecticut, New York, Xavier was the unlucky son who received his mothers name as his own middle name. He grew up to resent the name, of course, especially considering the fact that neither of his parents were ever around in his youth. Rather than raise he and his brother, Tristan, his parents sent them away to a Boarding School in London. Everything he's learned he has learned from either his older brother or his teachers - and of course life the way it was lived. It was widely known that he was a billionaire heir, set to inherit more money than most could imagine, and therefore always got what he wanted whenever he did.

His brother, Tristan, left London by the time Xavier was 11 years old, leaving him to revel in his freedom on his own. Not one person was capable of saying no to him, not one teacher capable of denying him his proper way, and of course not one girl really ever capable of denying him as he grew older. By 16 he was partying harder than most celebrities, getting into any club or party he wished, and of course owned anything of a proper ideal for a boy of his status. Xavier has never found it hard to live a life where he could find himself accepted when he wanted, but he chose to keep himself above it and apart from the rest. He's been raised to be better than most of the world, after all, so why make himself seem anything but?

By the time he was going into college he had already decided it was not worth fighting through education and schooling, giving up after high school and all the learning he had already received. Becoming an heir was more than enough of a job and he would be just fine. At the time of the outbreak he was living on his own in London, finding himself with new found abilities while the apparent dead began to rise. Fending for himself as he could, while of course terrified beyond anything he'll admit, he eventually was found by the Revival Project along with rather important news. He was now to receive all of his parents wealth, along with his brother who was currently staying within Paris as he had wanted. Xavier chose to stay in London, not wanting to toss away his life just to go running to his brother, and has since begun to situate himself into even more new-found wealth.

After the outbreak Xavier slowly integrated himself into the life he was previously living, and his cynicism became his strongest line of defense against the world. He isn't effected by most of what has happened, and in the end of it all he simply continued to pass on day by day. Work, school, and all of it was tossed aside in the wake of the outbreak for him to live off his parents wealth. Ties with people aren't any more important to him than they ever used to be, and the momentary loss of his brother only furthered his ideas that there was no reason to keep close to anyone at all.

Not having returned to school or even having thought of school, Xavier spent some time trying to sort through anything that might make him less than bored with his day to day life. Traveling, new business ventures he can invest in, anything and everything he could find for a time before returning back to his home in London, England.

in-game events

march 22 2010 — Assisted when there was a major attack on all Revival Project hospitals.
may 01 2010 — Attending the opening night of Les Misérables in London, England.
may 10 2010 — Participated in the Lee Hyori Charity Games over in South Korea.
june 23 2010 — Got the Aerobios, Inc. vaccine to avoid any chance of becoming an infected.
august 10 2010 — Helped where possible during the Second WWD.
september 05 2010 — Thanks to cupid he fell in love with a local bartender for approximately 24 hours.
october 31 2010 — The world went to Hell and back.


Arrogant and snobby, Xavier is rather cold to anyone he meets. While he can faux a good personality, pretending to care for others and even showing himself as a charitable and kind young man, he is in fact rather cynical against the world and of course self-absorbed beyond all belief. While he may not have worked hard for anything he's received in life, aside from his physique of course, he is sure to flaunt it all whenever he can. He has the most expensive cars, the most up to date technology, and of course traveled to all the 'hot' places of the years.

His money, while not everything, makes up a large part of who he is. If he is not capable of buying his way out of something he'll usually resort to his tantrums and attitude, boyish in every way. He's nothing more, really, than a bratty child who knows how to put up the proper act of one worth talking and befriending in life. Then, of course, there is always his need to have people around him so as not to feel so lonely in the world, even if he won't ever admit to such a feeling.

Xavier is absolutely aware of his confidence, however undeserved it is, and does not feel himself necessary of change. He carries an amount of certainty to him that keeps him absolute in his choices, and he has his own set of morals and standards he abides by. Xavier tries to keep himself in positions where he isn't without the upper hand, but when someone warrants an amount of respect and admiration, or even an apology, he is man enough to deliver it promptly.

♆ What He's Got

CRYOKINESIS → The ability to freeze any local air moisture into super-hard ice. He can manipulate the ice, then, into anything he whims it to be. The limitations of his creations are his own imagination, and of course the moisture in the air surrounding him. He has such a fine control over the manipulation of moisture into ice that he can form his entire body into a organic ice form that makes him virtually indestructible for his capability to reform his shattered body through any moisture near-by. He can make additions to himself or any creations, making spikes, shields and even extra appendages unto himself. It's a total control over ice, it's generation and all it's forms.

ICE SLIDE → Something that allows Xavier to move around through the ice he forms, he slides along it and can build it as high up as he wishes.
ICE SHARDS → He can fire shards of ice from his body, different sizes and at different speeds. They are sharp enough to rip through others and pierce any flesh.
FREEZE BLAST → The ability to concentrate his freezing cold into a blast of it, moving like a beam in the air and freezing whatever it touches. The blast can be increased or decreased in width as greatly as he wishes and it's distance is just over a mile.
MOLECULAR FREEZING → He can, through concentration, freeze the moisture molecules in someones body. Works easier if he is near them or touches them.
FROST BITE → He can freeze all that is around him, like a cold blizzard moving in. Encasing everything within a mile in ice and sustaining it as long as he wishes. The temperature within the mile decreases greatly to far below zero temperatures.
ICE FIGURES → He can generate and manipulate ice figures, from small sculptures to human sized warriors. He can animate them as well, the ice cracking with each movement and instantly reforming.
ABSOLUTE ZERO → The extremity of Xavier's frost abilities, he can lower the temperature of anything and everything around him to absolute zero, -459.67°F. It causes an instant freeze and shattering of anything this cold touches, the molecules themselves incapable of moving even the smallest measure without shattering.
MOLECULAR MOISTURE CONVERSION → He can transform living beings into moisture molecules and transport them over great distances. It's like teleporting, in a way.

BLOOD MANIPULATION → Xavier is capable of manipulating his own blood for multiple purposes. Because of his regenerative factor his body can provide as much blood as necessary for anything he wishes to do with it. He psionically manipulates the blood, turning it into solids or liquids at will, but can only manipulate his own blood. The blood, if there is no wound inflicted, can be consciously removed from the pores of his skin as a mist. Should a wound be inflicted upon him he can use the wound to remove more blood from his own body before it heals.

BLOOD MIST → A shroud of blood surrounds Xavier with which he is capable of fogging his own movements. He can move the blood to blind his opponents, or even to simply fog the area surrounding him so his own movements are hardly visible.
BLOOD BLADES → He may mold the blood into various blades and knives, even small pointed blades within the blood mist so he may harm his opponents while blinding them. The blades become solid when formed and can return to their liquid form as he wishes. He may even break them back down to their particle sizes should he wish to.
BLOOD HOOKS → When enough blood is gathered together into puddles he is capable of using it as an extension of himself - being able to hook unto or through things if he wishes. They act like extensive arms, or tentacles even, and move into forms as he sees fit. While solid he can make them them act as intangible liquids as well.
BLOOD BULLETS → He is capable of firing blasts of blood from his hands, exploding as concussive bullets from his palms. They vary in size and strength, depending on how much blood is capable of placing into them.
BLOOD TRANSFER → Because of his regenerative abilities Xavier is capable of, if necessary, moving his blood into anothers body so they may also receive the same healing he would. While it does not imbue them with his ability it does, at least, keep them from dying in dangerous situations. They only heal until the wounds inflicted before the blood transfer are gone - any wounds inflicted after are not instantaneously healed like Xavier's wounds are.

REGENERATIVE HEALING → An accelerated healing factor that enables his to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than any ordinary human. He is capable of fully healing injuries resulting in massive tissue damaged and blood loss - such as bullet wounds, slash and puncture wounds - within a matter of minutes. His healing factor is developed to such a degree that all the flesh on his body may be taken away and will regrow within moments. He may even regenerate limbs or vital organs in a matter of seconds.

FOREIGN CHEMICAL IMMUNITY → His natural healing also affords his a virtual immunity to most poisons and drugs.
DISEASE IMMUNITY → Due to his highly efficient immune system he is safe from all Earthly diseases and infections.
SUPERHUMAN STAMINA → his muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human. He can exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair his.
SUPERHUMAN AGILITY → He has superhuman agility, balance and bodily coordination beyond even the finest human athlete.
SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES → Reflexes far and above even the finest human athlete.
PEAK HUMAN STRENGTH → Capable of pushing his body past it's own limits allowing him excessive strength. Capable of lifting and pressing upwards of 800 lbs.

♆ Relationships


Thadius Lancaster → (Deceased) Former owner of a large conglomerate of entertainment-based businesses. Was really only good for his money.
Cassidy Lancaster →(Deceased) While he liked her a little more than his father, it wasn't by much. She wasn't worth much more than her genes.
Edward Lancaster → (Missing) More family that Xavier could really care less about.
Ryu Mihara → (Missing) How much offspring did this family make? All of it a waste.
Trist → Pretty much the only family Xavier thinks is worth a dime, even if you'd never know that from the way they talk to each other.
Marian Greier → Maternal Aunt and the woman who basically raised him. She could be counted on in the sense of keeping an almost level head on the two boys she raised.

Social Life

Aislinn → Socialite woman who is high up in the ranks of society. Xavier banged her once and still keeps a some-what decent relationship, at least as good as he gets with others. Didn't hear from her for a while but is kind of glad she's back.
Catherine → He met her a few years back through some parties and similar friends and acquaintances. She's enjoyable for her attitude, because at least it means it's always interesting to talk to her. Probably considered more of a friend than he lets off.
Reza → A girl who used to go to some of the same clubs that Xavier did, they chatted it up a few times and because of the situations he was a bit more open to actually talking to people.
Aubrey → A girl from his high school he, shockingly, never slept with. She was one of the very few he just hung around to hang around, though they fell apart after he was done with schooling.
Geneva → An artist based out of Berlin that Xavier bought some pieces from. She's talented, though he never really made more than the social contact when he purchased the pieces.
Ingrid → Met her at a party. She was just the personality type he tends to enjoy about people, and she's very easy on the eyes.
Elizabeth Longston → (Missing) Bartender at a pub he goes to often just to hang out and the like. He likes her as well as he'll ever really like people he associates with for now. The fact that she makes drinks only makes it better, really.


Em → She's... interesting. He can't quite place his finger on her either way and it confuses him but he hardly minds. At least it's never fully boring anymore.
Sun-Hi → She was nasty and rude and talked back a lot. He kind of liked it, in a way, but she's still not really worth much in his eyes. At least she's entertaining, though. She's worked her way into becoming someone that gathers his interesting.
Ariel Blake → She's. She's special. Her killing tendencies are okay by him since they seem to be directed at those he could do without. And when you look like she does it's kind of okay to do what you want.

♆ Random Notes

— Currently residing in his own place in London.
— He drives a Bugatti Veyron when he goes anywhere in London.
— At times he dyes his hair different shades from brown to black.
— Hates people knowing his middle name and will never admit it to you, ever.
— A little too cut off from himself to develop any real emotions for someone.
— Love his virginity at 14 to a girl whose name he can't even remember.
— Since then, sex has become more of a routine habit than a pleasure.
— His longest lasting relationship went on for a solid 4 months before he finally got tired of it.
— Didn't mourn the passing of his parents and still feels no real remorse over it.
— Most of his humor is either crude or downright lame but he doesn't care.
— Was raised having to take care of himself in the sense of doing household chores. He simply doesn't feel the need to now.
— Has more money than he could ever dream of spending in this lifetime or the next.
— Payed some money into the Revival Project as a safety measure. Also kept half of his parents shares in multiple stocks.
— Xavier's favorite band is actually Blonde Redhead though Sonic Youth, Carina Round, Tunng, Arctic Monkeys are pretty noteworthy.
— Gets around with most of the social elite in London. If he hasn't Trist has.
— Has a taste for Coca-Cola and thinks it's better than Pepsi, for real.
— Owns a number of arcade systems in his home now because of a request by someone.
— For Christmas, Geneva shocked him with a gift.

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