Kalia Song

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Kalia Song
Kalia Song
Character Journal: benignheart
Nationality: Hawaiian-Chinese-American
Occupation: Newspaper editor
Powers: Photonic Energy Manipulation
Memory Projection
Truth Sense
Portrayed by: An Yi Xuan
Writer: Kimity

The world will keep on turning
It'll all be there come morning
So tonight, let the sun fall down all around you
Let the night surround you in a blanket of starlight



name — Kalia Song
nicknames — Kallie, Kal, Kali, Lia, Pele
age27 28 29
birthday — July 5th, 1981
zodiac — Cancer
height — 5'4"
weight — 94 lbs
hair — Black
eyes — Dark brown
sexuality — Heterosexual
language — English (native)

Kerli - They Will Forgive
Kim Richey - Let the Sun Fall Down
Sarah McLachlan - Push


back story

Despite the wonderful surroundings, Kalia's world was hardly pleasant. For the better part of her childhood, she was the only child of a dysfunctional home. An absentee father and a constantly depressed mother fostered in her a resentment for life. She took it out on everyone and was always in trouble at school. A constant disappointment to her parents, she only seemed to make things worse on her mother and she often tried to act defiant in that she would shout how much she didn't care at the top of her lungs. She thought she would be better off without them both even if it meant being some sort of street rat.

There was no silver lining in her world. When she was eight, her mother disappeared never to be heard from again. As she got older, her father eventually told her that her mother killed herself, but she doesn't know this to be true or not. She never had the desire to find out either. She was always at ends with the man and could never bring herself to call him father. A Navy man, she only ever called him "Chief" even though that was not a position for which he was eligible the majority of the time.

When the Gulf War came, he was deployed and unceremoniously returned home months later due to injuries sustained at landfall. He was effectively disabled because of them and took to living off the money from the government rather than try to make something of himself. She was launched into poverty, but it didn't phase her at all on the surface.

Come high school, she had already maintained a negative outlook on life and with it, a terrible attitude toward others. Her fierce nature and snappy tongue earned her a popular seat in school, and also the admiring eye of the worst of the worst cliques to hang around. By the time she got to her sophomore year of high school, she had been living it up and living hard. The only miracle granted to her was that she never caught anything life threatening, and never had the desire to so much as touch a needle or cigarette of any kind.

Just as things couldn't seem to get darker in her life, she was kicked off the cheerleading team for being constantly late for practice and too out of it to do the cheers at all much less the moves to go along with them. She was even threatened to be kicked out of school, and it was shortly thereafter that she ran into Yang Ji Nan. She abhorred his presence at first, but his calm nature eventually started tempering hers the more she found herself around him. Curiosity prompted her to go to class more and even went as far as to try and gain his attention. She slowly left her life behind and by the time they had graduated high school, she had in him a dear friend and weight lifted off her shoulders.

She got into community college at Honolulu Community College. She later went to the University of Hawaii at Manoa and received a bachelor's there though she didn't pursue any further schooling. While she was going to University, her father passed away and she was left essentially with nothing afterward. So, she moved in with her boyfriend and had been there until the outbreak. When the pulse transpired, she had been up pulling an all-nighter editing something for the next day's paper. All of her information had been lost, so she went outside to take a walk and pout to herself when she found herself completely overwhelmed by infected.

She ran until she couldn't anymore and managed to protect herself with a stardust forcefield and slipped away. She ended up in a nearby hospital to try and rest, but the mental screams of one of the infected incapacitated her. For well over a month, she had been incapacitated with a flickering forcefield around her. She was emaciated by the time the project found her, and had it not been for her energy manipulation sustaining her in the end, she would have died.

The Project recovered her and was unable to do anything for her until they could properly clear the area and bring in telepaths to try and fix the damage done. She had been in and out of consciousness on a regular basis and difficult to transport due to her abilities, so the hospital she had taken refuge in became the first "liberated" place in Honolulu. It has taken some time, but she has gotten her wits about her again.

after the pulse

05/29/09 — Went to steal a helicopter with Ming, and wound up attached by darkseekers. Kallie discovered her abilities for herself.
06/06/09 — Went to the beach with Yang, Ming and Sayuri. She stayed after with Yang to talk about what had happened to her originally after the pulse.
07/05/09 — Attended the Peace Concert with Yang and Ming for her birthday.
08/18/09 — Ran into Ming as he was attacked by Garradors.
10/31/09 — Attended Vanness' Halloween party in Taipei.
01/19/10 — Went to Heathcliff's birthday dinner party.
01/31/10 — Swapped powers with Suzume and had to later leave work early because of the empathy overwhelming her.
03/22/10 — Helped out fighting infected when the hospitals were overrun.
05/10/10 — Participated in the Lee Hyori Charity Games.


Once a reckless girl, Kalia had a reputation for being an unpleasant bitch by the time she started high school. The friends she kept were terrible influences. She would cut class, treat even her teachers badly, and could care less about her grades. Certainly having touched upon the underground club scene and dabbling in ecstasy didn't help matters any. It didn't seem like a wake up call could save her with the way things were going. That is, until she met Yang. If not for him, she asserts that she would never have pulled herself up on her own two feet and turned over a new leaf.

Over time, she let go of the caustic attitude she had from before. Before she used to be bitchy, nasty, and inconsiderate of others. Now she goes to great lengths to help others, and as such has developed an incredibly unbreakable self-sacrificial mindset. It took a long time to clean herself up even with help, and so her self-confidence took quite a blow. She has become modest and sometimes too giving. Most people who see her from high school are shocked, as she almost always wears a smile and has the grace of a young lady brought up with the morals she lacked for the better part of her teens.

Though she is hardly sensitive, she can become depressed when it comes to hearing about drug addictions and the like rather easily. She is more inclined to reach out for those people and as such, she often volunteers at rehabilitation centers to try and make a difference in this way. Ninety-nine percent of the time, she's good-natured and friendly. She's one of the hardest people in the world to anger, but if you mess with anyone she's got an emotional attachment to or harm something that she feels doesn't deserve it?

God help you.


Photonic Energy Manipulation — Taking the energy created by light itself and condensing it into blasts or stretching it into forcefields to protect her from other light-based attacks, projectiles, and other physical attacks. These appear as stardust. She can also use this to propel herself in the air as though she is flying with a trail of stardust behind her. While she is incapable of doing it willingly, if she is in immediate danger and mentally incapacitated to a degree, she will automatically retain this energy to keep herself alive.

Memory Projection — The ability to project three dimensional images of a person's memories, provided the subject is a willing participant in the process. This could eventually change; however, this is simply what she is capable of currently.

Truth Sense — She has the ability to sense the truth (so she can tell when you're lying barring mental wards/telepathy immunity), and then coax the truth from a target.



Mother — Deceased.
Father — Deceased.

Love Interests

Sam Daniels — Ex-boyfriend, jock-type from high school. Her worst influence. Alcoholic.
Yang — Boyfriend, confidante, other half. She wouldn't be who she is now without him.


Daniel Sying Chieu — She spoke to him over the community because he enjoys stand up! So, they talked about it and movies together. He seemed like a really nice guy and she thought he was cool in person when they met at Vanness' Halloween party.
Chinatsu Katase — She met her long while back, right after she herself started mellowing out. She's known her for awhile now and likes her a lot as a person. Her optimism is something Kallie really appreciates.
Emily — Met her a little while after she got out of the hospital. She's not used to having friends, but certainly doesn't abhor the idea. She thinks Emily is really sweet and likes her outgoing nature.
Heathcliff BartonMing's neighbour! Sometimes she sees him gardening and has tried to approach him a few times to try and befriend him, as she thinks he seems a little lonely. But she tries not to be a pest about it. She has decided to be a little more proactive about inviting him to the house and other neighborly things!
Ming — Yang's cousin and subsequently a very good friend of hers. Oh what hijinks they can have! Together they have fought Darkseekers and Garradors now. Aside from Yang, she trusts Ming-Hao the most.
Patrick — He's so odd, but in a good way! Kallie isn't sure what to make of him, but she tries to keep an eye on him in her own way!
Sayuri — A really nice girl she's known for a little while now. When Kallie was placed with the task of finding a girlfriend for Ming, she was one of the first people she thought of that would be good for him. She finds their progress to be amusing.
Suzume — A sweet girl she met a little while ago. Kallie likes her lots.


Min-ki — The cutest, sweet guy! She met him when he came to visit and just adored him to itty bitty bits.
Serafina Tedeschi — Despite how forward Serafina was over the network about everyone, Kalia didn't find her offensive. Though that could be in part due to the fact that Kalie was also the same (if not worse) once upon a time, she found her to be an honest person. She liked that a lot. She's now planning to look into the band Within Temptation at her recommendation, and got to meet her in person at Tablo's Outbreak Asia Concert!
Toes — He has such an adorable nickname! A little oblivious of his flirting, so she thinks he's super sweet. Wouldn't mind getting to know him better. Missing.
Yvonne Rousseau — Troubled lady she spoke to on the network. Kallie's heart really goes out to her. Worried for her quite a bit.



• Used to be into ecstasy and heavily drinking when she was underage.
• Never swears unless she's around Ming.
• Collects snowglobes and dolphin figurines.
• Thinks Disney movies are god's gift to film.
• Got her Pele nickname for just how scary she gets when she's angry, and it's very hard to anger her. So, you don't want to do it.
• Yes, she is a former cheerleader. She got kicked off the team for delinquent behavior by her junior year of high school.
• Always wears dresses and skirts, even if it's cold out.
• Loves photography and reading fantasy novels such as Lord of the Rings, Split Infinity, and The Neverending Story.
• Didn't learn how to swim until she was twenty-three. Learned to swim with Ming.
• Loves buying novelty mugs, though she doesn't drink coffee.
• Won't touch anything with a distinct amount of caffeine in it, not even chocolate.
• So not a health food nut, however. She just has an amazing metabolism.
• Quit social drinking after Yang did as moral support.
• She is infertile, but doesn't know it yet.
• Can pick most locks.
• Normally pretty focused, but gets distracted easily by shiny things and stray animals though she does not own a pet.
• Used to do a lot of volunteer work before the outbreak in rehabilitation centers for drug addictions and alcoholism.
• Sincere and nice as she is now, she's not completely above teasing others!
• Stand up comedy junkie. It helped her cope with her own issues. She feels laughter is the best medicine. Favorites include Mike Birbiglia, Daniel Tosh, and Lewis Black.
• For her birthday, Yang gave her his mother's ring. And of course, she got to go to Tablo's Outbreak Asia Concert.

2009 Christmas

Yang got her a necklace.

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