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We, we, we da, we da leaders
You ain’t in the game
You’re just cheerleaders


This makes character activity so much easier. I love it, I especially like it if the CR is super creative 8D


This is great, but I usually need to know more about you and the character you want, because if I'm filling in a request I want it to be exactly how you imagined the request to be.


OMG I LOVE THESE. I swear if we got something legit going, I'll most likely attack you first. If not, don't hesitate. I also like starting the threads, so I'm like your best friend.


If they're legit and sexy, I bet I'm secretly shipping them. IF YOU LIKE THEM I BET I LIKE THEM TOO.


I put genres here because I'm open to just about anything regarding my characters. Drama, bitch fights, baby mama drama, super trauma, physical/emotional injuries...I'm such a little sadist to my muses. :(


Melody Shi

Taipei, Taiwan. The wallflower. Dancer.

Eun Mi Shin

Seoul, South Korea. Tomboy. Student. Singer. The Shindigs. Little Shin.

Mika Hasegawa

Tokyo, Japan. Naive sweetheart. Waitress. Student.

Evelyn Wang

Beijing, China. Awkward Turtle. Beautician. Don't judge the book by it's cover. Hates men. Non-drinker, non-smoker. Abstinence. Friendly as a whole.

Finnegan Murphy

Chicago, Illinois. Alcoholic. Bitter, sarcastic, scathing. Fuck off.



Hye Jung

Seoul, South Korea. The General.

Nobu Ishikawa

Tokyo, Japan. The Uneasy Father.

Brian Hu

Taipei, Taiwan. The Brian. Photographer. Ladies man. All around man.

Sun-Woong Lee

Seoul, South Korea. Dreamer.

Joshua Beckerman

Los Angeles, California. Independent. Revival Project Worker. Family first, death second.

Noemi Cavallo

Rome, Italy. The coin. Opera singer. Lost soul.

Patrick Nohara

Honolulu, Hawaii. The forgotten one. A silent hero. A weird hero.

Ellie Crawford

Atlantic City, New Jersey. The mother. Lawyer. Ambitious woman turned loving parent. Charming woman.

Apollo Teresi

Athens, Greece. The smooth talker. God-complex. Fire hazard.


Anthony Choi

Los Angeles, California. The hot British Korean.


none at the moment. :(

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